Hahahah your great
Rebot amazes me for his plot and genuine characters with real fealings. Every character in this saga has a past (normaly a bad one), and a story to tell, every character has fealings, bad and good moments of his life that are linked with the past of other character, making this strange and computer like world "real".
The hole plot may be actualy realy confusing, and sometimes to understand it you will have to see it again, kinda like the Matrix.
Also in this saga we can see Megaman, Zelda, and Mario, but dont think it will lok childish, o no not for one moment is childish, even Mario loks one serious dude making this flash not suitable for small children, it contains gore, assasinations, raping, and a briliant storiline.
I loved this episode right in the start, in the snake part, it was great wen they asked her if they could assasinate her father (i think it was her father), and then lots of eyes apear from the dark.
Also seing the moral and fisical degradation of the characters make this realy serious, for example Render, he starts behaving like Agent Smite (why didnt he apeared in this episode =( ), and the priest dude was also awsome.
Seyng the city burn and crushing people with tetris blocks make this genualy disturbing, some times i just couldnt see, and the grafics are peeerfect, a lil slow but amazing.
This series are also ken on the great musical choise that makes all the mod of the series, the sounds of people being kiled and the great voice work performance gives points to this serie.
Well in the end we get another masterpiece, still im sory to say that episode 9 was alot bether, no wories dho im not disapointed by this epic movie =).
Ps: Plz reply.
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